What Are the Challenges of Video Interviews and How Can You Overcome Them?

6th August 2024

4 min read

Video interviews have become a significant part of the hiring process, especially in the age of remote work and global recruitment. They offer convenience and efficiency, allowing employers to connect with candidates from anywhere in the world. However, video interviews come with their own set of challenges that can impact the effectiveness of the hiring process. In this blog, we will explore the various hurdles of video interviews and discuss how to navigate them.

Challenges of Video Interviews

Technical Issues

One of the most common hurdles in video interviews is technical issues. Poor internet connectivity can disrupt the flow of the conversation, causing delays and misunderstandings. Both candidates and interviewers may experience problems with their internet connection, leading to frustration and a lack of focus.

Common technical issues include:

Internet connectivity problems: Unstable or slow internet connections can cause video lag, audio delays, and disconnections.

Software and hardware compatibility: Different video interview platforms have specific requirements that might not be compatible with all devices.

Troubleshooting during the interview: Technical glitches such as audio and video malfunctions can disrupt the interview and make it challenging to proceed smoothly.

Personal Interaction missing

Video interviews lack the personal interaction that in-person interviews provide. The absence of physical presence can make it difficult to read body language and facial expressions accurately. This lack of non-verbal cues can lead to misunderstandings and a less engaging conversation.

Challenges in personal interaction include:

Absence of physical presence: It's harder to gauge body language and facial expressions through a screen.

Difficulty in establishing rapport: The virtual setting can feel impersonal, making it harder for candidates to connect with interviewers.

Impact on perception: This lack of connection can affect the candidate's confidence and performance during the interview.

Personal Interaction missing

Video interviews lack the personal interaction that in-person interviews provide. The absence of physical presence can make it difficult to read body language and facial expressions accurately. This lack of non-verbal cues can lead to misunderstandings and a less engaging conversation.

Challenges in personal interaction include:

Absence of physical presence: It's harder to gauge body language and facial expressions through a screen.

Difficulty in establishing rapport: The virtual setting can feel impersonal, making it harder for candidates to connect with interviewers.

Impact on perception: This lack of connection can affect the candidate's confidence and performance during the interview.

Environmental Distractions

Environmental distractions can significantly impact the quality of a video interview. Candidates may be in noisy or disruptive surroundings, such as a home with family members or pets. Uncontrolled background elements, like clutter or movement, can also be distracting for both parties.

Common environmental distractions include:

Noisy surroundings: Background noise from family members, pets, or outside sources can disrupt the interview.

Uncontrolled background elements: Visual distractions such as clutter or movement in the background can divert attention.

Impact on focus: Both candidates and interviewers can lose focus due to these distractions, affecting the overall interview quality.

Bias and Fairness

Bias and fairness are critical concerns in video interviews. There is a potential for unconscious bias based on the candidate's background, appearance, or environment. Video quality and setup can also influence the interviewer's perception, leading to an unfair assessment.

Challenges related to bias and fairness include:

Unconscious bias: Bias based on a candidate's background, appearance, or environment can influence interview outcomes.

Video quality: Poor video quality can impact the interviewer's perception of the candidate's professionalism.

Ensuring a level playing field: Not all candidates have access to the same quality of technology or environment, which can affect their performance.

Security and Privacy Concerns

Security and privacy are significant concerns in video interviews. There is always a risk of data breaches and hacking, which can compromise the confidentiality of the interview. Candidates may be hesitant to share personal information online due to these risks.

Security and Privacy

Security and privacy issues include:

Data breaches and hacking: Risks of unauthorized access to sensitive information during video interviews.

Privacy concerns: Candidates may be uncomfortable sharing personal information online.

Trust issues: Using unfamiliar online interview platforms can create trust issues for candidates.

Preparation and Familiarity

Not all candidates are familiar with video interview platforms, leading to anxiety and stress. The technical aspect of setting up and using the software can be overwhelming for some, affecting their performance.

Preparation and familiarity challenges include:

Unfamiliarity with platforms: Candidates may not be comfortable using certain video conferencing software.

Anxiety related to technology: The stress of using new technology can impact a candidate's performance.

Lack of proper preparation: Candidates may not prepare their environment or test their equipment adequately before the interview.

Automated Video Interview

An Automated Video Interview process can help pre-screening candidates, but it also comes with its own set of challenges:

Lack of human interaction: Automation can make the process feel impersonal, impacting the candidate experience.

Technical glitches: Automation relies heavily on technology, which can sometimes fail or cause issues.

Bias in algorithms: Automated systems might inadvertently introduce bias if not carefully monitored and adjusted.


While video interviews offer many advantages, they also present several challenges that need to be addressed. Technical issues, lack of personal interaction, environmental distractions, bias, security concerns, and preparation difficulties can all impact the effectiveness of video interviews. By being aware of these hurdles and implementing best practices, both employers and candidates can improve the video interview experience and make more informed hiring decisions.

To learn more about optimizing your hiring process and leveraging technology effectively, visit Kapiree. It offers comprehensive solutions for online interview platforms, ensuring a seamless and secure experience for both employers and candidates.