What Are the Top 10 Interview Questions to Ask Using Your Hiring App?

1st July 2024

5 min read

In today's fast-paced digital world, leveraging technology in the hiring process is essential. A hiring app can streamline your recruitment, making it easier to conduct interviews and assess candidates efficiently. However, the quality of your interviews depends significantly on the questions you ask. Here are the top 10 interview questions to ask using your hiring app to ensure you find the best talent.

Hiring Process

Question 1: Can you tell me about yourself?

This question serves as a great icebreaker and allows candidates to provide a brief summary of their professional background. Look for clarity in their career trajectory, relevant experience, and how well they can articulate their journey.

Question 2: Why do you want to work for our company?

This question helps gauge the candidate’s interest in your company and their knowledge about it. Look for responses that show genuine enthusiasm and an understanding of your company’s mission, values, and goals.

Question 3: Can you describe a challenging project you worked on?

This question assesses the candidate’s problem-solving skills and ability to handle difficult situations. Look for specific examples that demonstrate their analytical thinking, creativity, and resilience in overcoming obstacles.

Question 4: How do you prioritize your work?

Time management and organizational skills are crucial for any role. This question helps you understand how the candidate manages their tasks and workload. Look for structured approaches and examples of prioritizing multiple responsibilities effectively.

Question 5: How do you handle constructive criticism?

A candidate’s ability to accept and grow from feedback is vital. Look for answers that show a positive attitude towards feedback, examples of how they’ve used criticism to improve, and their willingness to learn.

Question 6: Can you provide an example of a time you worked in a team?


Teamwork is essential in most work environments. This question helps you assess the candidate’s collaboration skills and how they contribute to a team setting. Look for examples that highlight effective communication, cooperation, and conflict resolution.

Question 7: What are your salary expectations?

Discussing compensation early ensures that both parties are on the same page. Look for realistic expectations that align with your budget and industry standards. This question can also open a dialogue about benefits and growth opportunities.

Question 8: Where do you see yourself in five years?

This question provides insight into the candidate’s career goals and ambition. Look for alignment between their aspirations and the opportunities your company can offer. It also shows if they have a clear vision for their professional development.

Question 9: How do you stay updated with industry trends?

Continuous learning is critical in today’s ever-changing job market. This question evaluates the candidate’s commitment to staying informed about industry developments. Look for regular engagement with industry news, courses, or professional groups.

Question 10: Do you have any questions for us?

This question is crucial as it reflects the candidate’s interest in the role and the company. Look for thoughtful questions about the company culture, growth opportunities, team dynamics, and next steps in the hiring process. It shows they are seriously considering how they can fit into your organization.


Asking the right questions during an interview is essential to finding the best candidates. Using your hiring app to conduct these interviews can streamline the process and provide a structured, efficient way to assess potential hires.

Tools like Kapiree , a Video interview Platform for pre screening candidates, can enhance your recruitment efforts. These ten questions will help you gain valuable insights into your candidates, ensuring you make informed hiring decisions. Start leveraging your hiring app today to improve your recruitment process and build a strong team.