Are Video Interviews Effective in Modern Hiring? Understanding the Challenges

28th May 2024

6 min read

Table of Contents

Technical Issues
Lack of Personal Interaction
Environmental Distractions
Bias and Fairness Concerns
Preparedness of Candidates and Interviewers

In recent years, video interviews have become a staple in the hiring process, especially with the rise of remote work and the need for flexibility. While they offer numerous advantages, such as convenience and cost savings, video interviews also come with their own set of challenges. Understanding these hurdles is crucial for both employers and candidates to ensure a smooth and effective interview process.

Video Interviews

What Are the Common Hurdles in Video Interviews?

Technical Issues in Video Interviews

One of the most common hurdles in video interviews is technical issues. Unstable internet connections can cause video and audio to lag or drop out entirely, disrupting the flow of the interview and causing frustration for both parties. Equipment malfunctions, such as faulty microphones or cameras, can also hinder communication. Additionally, software compatibility problems may arise if the interviewer and candidate are using different platforms or outdated software.

To mitigate these issues, it is essential to conduct a technical check before the interview:

Ensure a stable internet connection

Test equipment functionality (microphone, camera)

Verify software compatibility with the video interview platform being used

Having a backup plan, such as a phone number to call in case of technical difficulties, can also help minimize disruptions

Lack of Personal Interaction in Video Interviews

Another significant challenge of video interviews is the lack of personal interaction. Building rapport can be more difficult in a virtual setting, where physical presence and non-verbal cues are limited. Reading body language and facial expressions accurately can be challenging, leading to potential miscommunication and misunderstanding.

To improve personal connection during video interviews:

Establish eye contact by looking into the camera

Smile and use expressive gestures to convey warmth and engagement

Start the interview with small talk or casual conversation to create a relaxed atmosphere

Environmental Distractions During Video Interviews

Environmental distractions are another common hurdle in video interviews. Home-based distractions, such as family members, pets, or background noises, can interrupt the interview and make it difficult to stay focused. Inadequate interview settings, such as poor lighting or cluttered backgrounds, can also create a less professional impression.

Video Interview Distractions

To minimize environmental distractions:

Choose a quiet, well-lit space for the interview

Inform household members about the interview and ask for privacy

Use a neutral background or a virtual background provided by the video interview software

Bias and Fairness Concerns in Video Interviews

Bias and fairness are critical concerns in any interview process, and video interviews are no exception. The potential for unconscious bias may be heightened in video interviews, where subtle cues related to appearance or environment can influence perceptions. Issues of fairness and equality can also arise if candidates have varying levels of access to technology and a stable internet connection.

To ensure a fair video interview process:

Standardize the interview format and questions

Provide candidates with clear instructions and expectations beforehand

Train interviewers to recognize and mitigate their own biases

Preparedness of Candidates and Interviewers for Video Interviews

Finally, a lack of familiarity with video interview platforms can be a significant hurdle for both candidates and interviewers. Nervousness and anxiety may be heightened due to the virtual format, affecting performance. Insufficient preparation, such as not knowing how to use the platform's features or not being prepared for potential technical issues, can further exacerbate these challenges.

Effective preparation and training can help overcome these hurdles:

Practice using the video interview software beforehand

Prepare answers to common interview questions

Familiarize yourself with the platform's features

Plan for contingencies and maintain a positive attitude


While video interviews present several challenges, understanding and addressing these hurdles can lead to a more effective and enjoyable interview process. By mitigating technical issues, enhancing personal interaction, minimizing environmental distractions, ensuring fairness, and preparing thoroughly, both employers and candidates can leverage the benefits of video interviews while overcoming their drawbacks

With the right strategies in place, video recruitment platforms like Kapiree can be a valuable tool in modern hiring.